This image came about during one of my many weekly drives to a remote community to fulfill my teaching duties. My thoughts were calm and moments of reflection sometimes interpose my driving concentration. But one scene never changes. The dense, tall, wispy and indefatigable grass sways and dances back and forth often in more than one direction at the same time whispering to each other as if suggesting jest.
Even when the heat has been oppressive, we must admit that Broome’s wet season opens the door to one of the best times in the landscape for ornamental grasses. Just when you are ready to throw in the towel for the gardening season, these landscape warriors start sending up blooms and plumes demanding visual attention.
These random sways and suggestive patterns seem to be a cleverly choreographed play within Mother Nature. I cannot fully explain how these patterns have manifested in nature, but I can help you appreciate the beauty in these individually cut single sheets of paper. I seek to motivate you to look deeper into the realms of nature and be inspired by Grass Whispering Secrets.